Remember that teaser trailer that debuted at the Spike TV Video Game Awards? The one that was so effective in providing serious momentum for the sequel to one of the most successful PS3 exclusives to date? Well, up the stakes ten-fold. That’s about how high the bar was raised when Naughty Dog unveiled their first full-length trailer for Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Why was this so much more impressive than the teaser, you might ask? For a very simple reason.
The trailer tapped into a very important part of what makes the up and coming Uncharted series so exciting. It plays more as an experience than a typical game. It is not just the sum of its gameplay mechanics, but offers a story up to par with any high budget Hollywood production. With great acting performances to match (has anyone else noticed that Nolan North is in EVERYTHING now? Yeah, there’s a reason for that), Uncharted proved that games didn’t have to have shallow stories.
And so, with the first full trailer to its sequel, Naughty Dog did it again. If you watch, you’ll be hard pressed not to feel like you’re watching a movie trailer. It’s action packed, features a few one-liners, and has that part in every film trailer where the music builds up and a ton of half-second clips flash by. Yeah, I’d say that’s not coincidence, and it excels on many, many levels. Not to mention, the game looks stunning. If people where skeptical before E3, they weren’t by the time the conference was over.