UPDATE – We have a slightly more up to date version of this post here…
Since the other blogs have given their thoughts on who should be cast in the upcoming UNCHARTED movie, we thought it was about time we’d throw our ideas into the ring. When you’re done reading our picks, give us your thoughts in the comments below! Without much further ado, let’s get down to it…
Nathan Drake
Chris’ Pick: Nathan Fillion
This is, what I believe, a shoe-in for the role of Nathan Drake. Fillion’s definitely got the look, he’s got the experience with filming action scenes, and many of his characters align so well with that of Drake. He’s definitely a fan-favorite, and many of you agree that Nathan Fillion should be cast as the upcoming movie’s Nathan Drake. Whether we’ll get characteristics from Captain Malcolm Reynolds from the short-lived Firefly series and it’s movie adaptation Serenity, Alex Tulley from the also-short-lived series Drive, or Richard Castle from the ABC series Castle, we can be sure that Fillion would bring Drake presence on the silver screen.
Dylan’s Pick: Jensen Ackles
You might know Jensen Ackles from his popular role as Dean Winchester on The CW series Supernatural. If not, you’re missing out… His character is pretty much the epitome of Nathan Drake, and Jensen is charming, funny, and downright badass. It’s tough to describe without having some sort of visual (hint: Go watch Supernatural!), but trust me – he fits. Like Drake, he can walk into trouble, and see a way of getting out of it, while cracking a few one liners in the process. His only problem would be that his voice might be a bit too deep to play Drake.
Elena Fischer
Chris’ Pick: Claire Danes
Claire’s been around the block in terms of Hollywood films, television and even voice acting in numerous role and character types… from her critic-favorite role in MTV’s My So Called Life to Leonardo DiCaprio’s opposite in Romeo + Juliet, Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines or Stardust, Claire has fit just about every role she’s been given with grace and passion. Action: check. Drama: check. Beauty: check. “Love interest:” check.
Dylan’s Pick: Emily Rose
This one is a no brainer. Emily Rose, who appeared in the short-lived series Jericho, is the actress responsible for Elena’s voice in the games, and looks quite a bit like Elena to boot. I won’t list all the ways in which she’s like Elena, because she is the character – she created it. As such, not having her in the film would be a travesty in and of itself.
Victor “Sully” Sullivan
Dylan’s Pick: J. K. Simmons
Gruff to the point and endlessly sarcastic, J. K. Simmons is best known (to me, at least) for his turn as J. Jonah Jameson in the Spiderman films. Though he might need to lighten up a bit to play Sully, the foundation is there for J. K. to turn in an enjoyable, and crucial performance as Drake’s partner in crime. However, he is better known for his role in Spidey than anything else, which may prove to be distracting from the film.
Chris’ Pick: J. K. Simmons
I couldn’t agree with Dylan any more. J. K. is Sully, and out of any actor I can think of that might be able to pull off Victor Sullivan, J. K. is even more of a natural fit than Nathan Fillion is as Drake. If you’ve seen his role as J. Jonah Jameson in the Spiderman films or his role as Garth Pancake in 2004’s The Ladykillers, a cigar + gun-toting gentleman isn’t far off.
What do you think about our casting selection? Give us your thoughts below!