Well, it seems that a certain German website has been causing something of a stir in the world of UNCHARTED. The Sixth Axis reports that on the ‘the German version of Facebook, is Drake’s profile, which appears to be official and maintained by SCEE’ is a hint at a possible addition to the UNCHARTED story. Could this be true? Are we, in the run up to E3, going to be treated to some Nathan Drake goodness?
I have to admit that I am somewhat skeptical. While the Sixth Axis seems to believe that Nathan’s profile is official and maintained on his behalf by Sony Corporation Entertainment Europe, I wonder why there is not a similar page on Facebook, which would seem to be the most sensible place to put one. Naughty Dog have their official page, with no mention of one for Nathan. There are profiles for Nate, but none of them are even remotely official. The last time Nathan Drake posted on his Facebook profile he told us that he had recently been hospitalised by some Indians while investigating something by the Nile. This didn’t spark internet rumour..!
Furthermore, Naughty Dog have pretty much categorically said that no DLC will be made for the single player, as it involves writing scripts, getting the actors back… a lot more work than creating maps and skins for the multiplayer mode. Unless they were lying to deflect the rumours, this ‘announcement’ must mean UNCHARTED 3. However, I believe it is far too soon since UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves for any substantial news regarding the almost inevitable third installment to Nathan’s story.
Whilst I believe that this is merely a few people reading too much into nothing, I will admit that I am slightly excited; I would find it difficult not to be. If Naughty Dog are set to reveal something at E3, I will be delighted. And fear not, we shall be on hand to bring you any further developments.