Over the last few days All Things Uncharted has gone through a long overdue period of change and redesign. It is still a work in progress, but the structure is just about there and importantly; it functions!
Please take a look around and let us know what you think (constructively!). If you have any suggestions for content; we are always happy to hear it (and post it). We hope that this design makes it easier to find existing content including older, but still relevant posts. We are also now mobile friendly, which we are quite chuffed about. You really can take us anywhere. (Anywhere that has data coverage or wifi, anyway.)
Several of our features are not static – the “recommended reading” articles will be swapped for more relevant content as time passes and as hot topics move on. The old skool FAQs will be added to over the fullness of time, and one day we will get around to completing the “spoiler filled catch up”. Thank goodness for the delay to Uncharted 4, eh!?
Thank you to everyone who has paid us a visit or read a post over our six year history. You are the best.