Exclusives An interview with a cosplayer April 28th, 201515 We chat to Andrew Aguilar about the super Nathan Drake cosplaying he gets up to.
Exclusives Indie movie Uncharted: Whence the Devil Came released February 26th, 20150 Iron Horse Cinema's Uncharted indie film is here. And it is good.
Exclusives 7 7s of Uncharted; we grill Taylor Kurosaki November 19th, 20141 Taylor Kurosaki (former Naughty Dog) proves he is an excellent sport by answering 7 questions that we posed.
Exclusives An interview with Iron Horse Cinema - makers of the other Uncharted movie August 13th, 20140 Sony Pictures aren't the only people making an Uncharted movie. We talk to Iron Horse productions...
Exclusives Young Musicians Foundation answer our questions about their concert featuring Greg Edmonson September 24th, 20130 We catch up with the Young Musicians Foundation and talk about the upcoming concert featuring UNCHARTED composer Greg Edmonson.
Exclusives An interview with artist and prop-maker Patrick Reilly October 2nd, 20120 We talk to replica prop-maker Patrick Reilly about his project to recreate Drake's journal from UNCHARTED2; Among Thieves.
Exclusives EXCLUSIVE: Interview With Uncharted & Haven's Emily Rose June 6th, 20115 What's up with Syfy's Haven? Will UNCHARTED 3 see Elena?
Exclusives Guest Author: The UNCHARTED Life Thus Far May 5th, 20114 Our guest author takes a look at the franchise to date!