News David O. Russell Will Not Direct UNCHARTED Film August 4th, 20101 'Three Kings' director will pass on directing Drake's Fortune.
News The UNCHARTED Movie: What We Know (and Think) So Far August 2nd, 201010 Let's look at the facts and rumors so far.
News Should Naughty Dog Kill Off a Character in UNCHARTED 3? June 15th, 201019 We explore the rationing behind character deaths- and say "yes."
News UNCHARTED 3, DLC, or a Big Hoax? May 27th, 20104 The web is buzzing from what could possibly be hints dropped from an ‘official’ source.
News UNCHARTED Film Dev Gains Traction May 4th, 20100 Sony is beginning to shop for directors for its upcoming film adaption of UNCHARTED.
News New Maps Coming in Next DLC for UNCHARTED 2 April 15th, 20102 Naughty Dog release promises to breathe yet more life into the online experience.
News UNCHARTED: Drake's Fortune: How Does it Feel Now? April 1st, 20100 After UNCHARTED 2, how does "Drake's Fortune" hold up?
News My Experience at the 2010 BAFTAs GAME Awards March 22nd, 20100 Bryony writes about her attending the award ceremony.