News UNCHARTED 2 ‘Home’ Space Planned October 12th, 20091 Space rumored to be based on a Nepalese village and will feature mini-games.
News Will Nathan Fillion Play Nathan Drake in the UNCHARTED Film? October 11th, 200956 Fans are demanding Fillion's casting for the title role.
News 1UP's Garnett Lee Talks to UNCHARTED 2 Director Bruce Straley October 11th, 20090 Straley took time to talk with 1UP and give a personal demo.
News UNCHARTED 2 “Fortune Hunter” Giveaway All Weekend October 11th, 20091 PlayStation Blog announces Fortune Hunter giveaway.
News Among Thieves - First Week Demo Stats October 11th, 20090 Total accumulated playtime in just over a week is approximately 27 years.
News 1UP: 'UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves' Review October 10th, 20090 See why 1UP Gave UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves an A+...
News CVG Talks With UNCHARTED 2 Director Bruce Straley October 10th, 20090 Bruce takes a look at "Drake's Fortune" and its sequel.
News Impressions - UNCHARTED 2 Teaser October 10th, 20090 Watch the teaser trailer that started the buzz for UNCHARTED 2.