Features 7 7s of Uncharted; things you perhaps didn't know... November 19th, 20140 We are sure any Uncharted fan would know at least some of these factoids, but there may well be something here to surprise you...
Features Is there a place in Uncharted for a good gay character? December 5th, 20135 Is there a place in Uncharted for a good gay character?
News Uncharted on PS4. Who are we expecting to see? November 18th, 20130 There have been lots of characters so far in the various Uncharteds. We all have our favourites, but Uncharted 4 can't possibly use them all...
Graham McTavish Did Graham McTavish just leak Uncharted 4? Again? January 29th, 201317 Is UNCHARTED4 on the way? Almost certainly. And here is why.
Features Drake's Deception; examining the narrative (analysis and opinion) November 26th, 201116 Bryony takes a look at the narrative of UNCHARTED 3; Drake's Deception, and looks at how things have changed for Nate and chums.
Graham McTavish Graham McTavish to star in The Hobbit November 16th, 20110 Find out what Graham McTavish is doing in New Zealand!