Features 7 7s of Uncharted; we grill Taylor Kurosaki November 19th, 20141 Taylor Kurosaki (former Naughty Dog) proves he is an excellent sport by answering 7 questions that we posed.
News Uncharted on PS4. Who are we expecting to see? November 18th, 20130 There have been lots of characters so far in the various Uncharteds. We all have our favourites, but Uncharted 4 can't possibly use them all...
Features UNCHARTED2; through the eyes of a journey(wo)man October 2nd, 20120 We pick up Sarah's UNCHARTED experience as she battles her way to Shambhala.
Steve Valentine Steve Valentine is Back 'In The Band' April 28th, 20103 Steve Valentine to reprise his role as Derek Jupiter in Season 2 of ‘I’m In The Band.’
Features UNCHARTED: Drake's Fortune: How Does it Feel Now? April 1st, 20100 After UNCHARTED 2, how does "Drake's Fortune" hold up?