News Will the Uncharted movie be delayed as well? March 23rd, 20150 We suspect the Uncharted film being made by Sony Pictures isn't going to be released in June 2016, after all.
Features Indie movie Uncharted: Whence the Devil Came released February 26th, 20150 Iron Horse Cinema's Uncharted indie film is here. And it is good.
News Chris Pratt turned down the role of Nathan Drake in the Uncharted movie November 13th, 20140 Chris Pratt will not be our Nathan Drake...
Features An interview with Iron Horse Cinema - makers of the other Uncharted movie August 13th, 20140 Sony Pictures aren't the only people making an Uncharted movie. We talk to Iron Horse productions...
News Uncharted screenwriters hint at who'd be THEIR Drake August 6th, 20140 Marianne and Cormac Wibberley (Uncharted screenwriters) gave us a clue who they'd cast, if it were down to them...
News Who will be our Nathan Drake? Here are the likely lads... July 29th, 20142 People tell us all the time who they would like to see play Nate. Here we round up the most common suggestions.
Features The legend of the UNCHARTED movie. January 10th, 20136 Does anyone really want a movie based on Uncharted? Really? We ask some people and get some interesting results.
Features Is there such a thing as UNCHARTED canon...? September 18th, 20120 Does Nathan Drake have a continuous story?