News VIDEO: Is there an Uncharted HD PS4 Collection on the way? May 19th, 201524 Rumours are rife of an Uncharted Collection for PS4. In the first of a series of video collaborations with Family Gamer TV, we look at the possibility.
Features An interview with a cosplayer April 28th, 201515 We chat to Andrew Aguilar about the super Nathan Drake cosplaying he gets up to.
Features A brief 5 point rebuttal of the popular "Nathan Drake is a cold-blooded killer" fallacy April 23rd, 201513 We try to refute the argument that Nathan Drake is a cold blooded killer.
News Uncharted Collection listed for pre-order... April 9th, 20152 Swiss site has listed an Uncharted Collection for PS4...
Features How do you end a story like Nathan Drake's? March 13th, 20150 In which we tackle the idea that Uncharted 4; A Thief's End 'concludes' Nathan Drake's story.
News Uncharted 4; A Thief's End delayed until 2016 March 12th, 20150 The news has broken that Uncharted 4; A Thief's End will not be released until 2016.
News Spoiler riddled run through of Uncharteds 1-3, Pt 2. January 20th, 20150 Our spoiler filled re-cap of the Uncharted stories continues with Uncharted 2; Among Thieves.