News New details about the Uncharted movie (including cast) released April 1st, 20151 After many years of waiting, Sony Pictures have finally decided on their Nathan Drake. Other plot details have also emerged.
News Will the Uncharted movie be delayed as well? March 23rd, 20150 We suspect the Uncharted film being made by Sony Pictures isn't going to be released in June 2016, after all.
Features An interview with Iron Horse Cinema - makers of the other Uncharted movie August 13th, 20140 Sony Pictures aren't the only people making an Uncharted movie. We talk to Iron Horse productions...
News UNCHARTED Film Dev Gains Traction May 4th, 20100 Sony is beginning to shop for directors for its upcoming film adaption of UNCHARTED.
News News Round-Up: Movies, Downloads and UNCHARTED 3 November 30th, 20090 Here's some UNCHARTED news from the past week.
News Does the UNCHARTED Movie Screenwriter Shakeup Spell Trouble? November 24th, 20090 What are your thoughts on the replacements?
Everything Else Nathan Fillion Talks Typecasting - Channels 'Anti-Hero' October 20th, 20095 Nathan Fillion discusses type-casting as a scrappy hero.